Messagepar admin » Dim 6 Oct 2013 13:37

Wabanaki Confederacy flag

The colours of the flag are represented by the colours of the Wabanaki Confederacy.The colours of the Confederacy are dark blue and white . The dark blue represent the infinity of the universal cosmology we all live in and the white represent the brilliant light of the spiritual world. The background is dark blue and the double curved design in white denote the union of the spirit of the Wabanaki Peoples assembled in ceremony .

The current Wabanaki Confederacy flag was designed in contemporary time to unite all the Wabanaki Nations and their allies in ceremony : the Migmaw, the Penobscot, the Wolastogikik, the Passamaquody the Abenaki and all the other allied Nations . The Flag was once presented by the Penobscot and accepted by all these Nations. There is no need to create a new flag. It is now in contemporary time for the Wabanaki Nations to extend the invitation to all their allied nations of the past present and future.

The flag was put together with extreme knowledge of ancient geometry and ancient symbolisms given to us by our brothers and sisters from the stars. The flag represent the universal turtle that extend its invitation to gathered the Wabanaki people from all directions and to protect them for ever. The fiddle heads legs are the directional roads, the spiritual vortex of the People of all directions assembled and join together in ceremonies . The symbol of the cross is the universal directional cross at the beginning of the the milky ponting the way and leading the road to the door of where our brothers and sisters from the stars are coming from. The symbol of the 2 center pyramids are the connection of the the female and male energy needed to create and maintain life . The symbol of the 2 double curves back to back is the symbol of infinity demonstrating that we are all related and we must all live together for ever and ever to survive in respect of all the living thing on the earth and in the universe.

The flag is directly connected to the ancient geometry of the Wabanaki Confederacy lodge , the Confederacy sacred fire protected inside the 8 pointed star wheel.
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wanabakiflag.JPG (108.65 Kio) Consulté 18075 fois
Claude Aubin
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